



Notes from August

In August, after learning about the IndieWeb, I updated my website and turned it into this blog. It has been years since I did something web-related, and I always enjoyed tinkering on the web, so I am glad I took the time to try and rebuild my website. This month was my first time using Hugo, customising an existing theme to fit my needs. I also:

In terms of other small projects,

Writing daily notes

Initially, I aimed to write a daily note on this blog, sharing small personal projects or interesting things I encountered that day. After twenty consecutive notes, however, I started putting quantity before quality on days I did not feel like writing. If I did not enjoy writing a note, I am sure it isn’t pleasant for others to read that note either. I am still looking for how and when to best write and share short notes for “blogumentation”.

Blogs I enjoyed reading this August

Fabien Sanglard’s 0X10 RULES are great rules to follow when creating (small) websites. On that note, I also appreciated Justin Wong’s collection of “monospace webpages”, The Brutalist Report, and computer.rip.

Other blogs that I added to my RSS feed this month include Simon Willison’s Weblog, Sebastian De Deyne, Matt Hodges, Robin Rendle, Brad Barrish, anhvn.com, and James G.

Things I’m looking forward to in September

Even though Summer flew by too quickly, I’m looking forward to Autumn. This week, a new year of ceramics classes begins: I hope to spend more time in front of the pottery wheel, and I’m excited to get my hands dirty.