


Notes from August

In August, after learning about the IndieWeb, I updated my website and turned it into this blog. It has been years since I did something web-related, and I always enjoyed tinkering on the web, so I am glad I took the time to try and rebuild my website. This month was my first time using Hugo, customising an existing theme to fit my needs. I also:

In terms of other small projects,

Writing daily notes

Initially, I aimed to write a daily note on this blog, sharing small personal projects or interesting things I encountered that day. After twenty consecutive notes, however, I started putting quantity before quality on days I did not feel like writing. If I did not enjoy writing a note, I am sure it isn’t pleasant for others to read that note either. I am still looking for how and when to best write and share short notes for “blogumentation”.

Blogs I enjoyed reading this August

Fabien Sanglard’s 0X10 RULES are great rules to follow when creating (small) websites. On that note, I also appreciated Justin Wong’s collection of “monospace webpages”, The Brutalist Report, and computer.rip.

Other blogs that I added to my RSS feed this month include Simon Willison’s Weblog, Sebastian De Deyne, Matt Hodges, Robin Rendle, Brad Barrish, anhvn.com, and James G.